The perfect vehicle for a wildlife photographer

We have tried to undertake wildlife photographs from planes, trains and buses, all with mixed success.  The mud from most continents has got stuck to my wheels at some time or another and more times than I would have liked the mud has got higher than my wheels!

What we want from a vehicle is reliability to get to and back from remote places where wildlife is to found.  We need a vehicle with storage capacity for plenty of photographic kit and a comfortable place in which to while away the hours of waiting. Finally a vehicle that will not break our bank balance.

Let me introduce to you a perfect vehicle for the wildlife photographer, the Toyota Hilux

Our vehicle, pictured here has been fitted with a 4-Wheel camper, imported from California.

The camper is a pop-top type.  The advantages with it are that it very lightweight and has very little wind resistance, with sufficient living space for two people, including a great double bed.


Our vehicle, pictured here has been fitted with a 4-Wheel camper, imported from California.


The camper is a pop-top type.  The advantages with it are that it very lightweight and has very little wind resistance, with sufficient living space for two people, including a great double bed.



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