Wildlife in the Atacama

Paula and I have just spent several weeks in the Atacama desert searching for wildlife.  It’s the driest place on earth  but there are areas where nature provides enough moisture for a wide variety of life to survive.

The Atacama is a huge area  and we found that two factors were key as to where animals and plants thrived, firstly the proximity to the coast and secondly the altitude.

In the west the Atacama starts right on the Pacific seashore, extending across a narrow coastal plain and then up and over a narrow range of mountains about 50 miles wide.  This is the coastal desert and stretches about 600 miles from north to south.


El Camanchaca del desierto de la costa

El Camanchaca del desierto de la costa


The prevailing wind blowing from the ocean moves clouds of fog over the coastal plain and then up and over the mountains, enveloping the plants in moisture. This bountiful fog is locally called the ‘Camanchaca‘.


D W 14

Cacti are the predominant family of plants that have adapted to this.


Un niebla-prado lleno de cactus

Un niebla-prado lleno de cactus



There are a few special areas in this Coastal Desert where cacti thrive exceptionally well , such places are called ‘fog meadows’ and we found such an area near  the Llanos de Challe National Park,  where there were hillsides covered in cacti particularly of the Copiapoa family.


Paula and I spent some glorious days in these ‘fog meadows’ photographing these amazing plants but always being very carful when we bent down !


Paula filmando en los niebla-prados.

Paula filmando en los niebla-prados.


A common reptile of the ‘fog meadows’ was the Lava lizard.



Corredor de Atacama

Corredor de Atacama


To the east of the coastal range of mountains the temperatures soar.  This part of  the Atacama is called the ‘absolute desert’, probably because there is absolutely nothing there and not surprisingly our search for wildlife was almost fruitless.



Pudimos encontrar solamente rocas y piedras en el desierto absolute.

Pudimos encontrar solamente rocas y piedras en el desierto absoluto.



Several hours in the relentless heat was enough for us.  We could find no living things at all, except in the hazy sky  above, where a Mountain Caracara flew.

 The plains of the absolute desert range between 3,500 ft – 6, 500ft  but across these plains there run deep gorges called Quebradas.  Through these gorges team the sporadic floods that tear down from the high Andes in the summer.




Una Quebrada

We tried in vain to access some of these precarious gorges, native Algarrobo trees often found a niche at the foot of the cliffs in which to grow and small groups of Grey-headed Sierra Finches were usually present.




Cometocino de Gay o Comesebo Andino.

Cometocino de Gay o Comesebo Andino.


Continuing in an easterly direction towards the Andes the altitude increases and so does the wildlife.  One special habitat in the Atacama are the saline lakes, salars. These are fed with underground water from the Andean snowfields.  These saline lakes are a magnet for waterbirds such as Andean Avocets and Flamingos.



Caiti o Avoceta Andina

Caiti o Avoceta Andina

When the altitude reached between  6,000ft – 11,000 ft  we encountered an area of the Atacama  known locally as the ‘andean desert’.

Parts of this area are extremely arid but luckily receive run-off from the high volcanic peaks and cacti predominate, particularly tall stately Cardons.







It was in the Andean desert that  we found the greatest  biodiversity.

The most obvious animals were lizards, sunning themselves on rocks or scuttling across the stony ground away from our tramping feet.



Lioaemus andinus

Lioaemus andinus


 It’s quite easy to catch a lizard, one just has to be very patient, careful, slow to start with and very quick at the finish!

Once you have caught your lizard it’s possible to admire its beauty in detail, taking care not to hold it by its tail or it will shed and you will be left holding a wriggling bit of discarded flesh.



He cogido una lagartija

He cogido una lagartija




Often in the chase the lizard will try to escape,  they will hide in a spiky bush, under a rock or disappear down a hole.

Finding them in these situations can be interesting and rewarding, if not scary, for in such places we found scorpions, spiders and numerous beetles.











D W 5


Some of these animals are not everyone’s favourite but we like them!  In the driest place in the world it was fascinating for us to discover at last so many animals.


As a complete contrast to these small creatures the next blog will concentrate on one of the largest, most beautiful and graceful birds of the desert; the Flamingo.

Out of this world in the Atacama

The Atacama  desert stretches for 600 miles from the north Chilean coast into southern Peru and eastwards from the Pacific up into the Andes mountains.


El desierto de Atacama

El desierto de Atacama


This is where Paula and I have recently been travelling in search of wildlife, though it’s hard to find!

A few main roads cross the desert as mining is a major industry in the region.



Una carretera por el desierto

Una carretera por el desierto


When we left the main roads we were stunned by the emptiness and the vast, parched, barren landscapes.


Absolute desert

The Atacama desert is the driest place on earth. Most parts of the desert only receive between 1 and 3 mm of rain a year and scientists have concluded that some areas have experienced extreme aridity for 3 million years with some river beds being dry for 120,000 years !


Un paisaje de arena y piedres

Un paisaje de arena y rocas


For a landscape photographer, being in the Atacama is like a visit to a modern art gallery.


Colours are bold and saturated, lines are clear, everything looks clean, nothing is cluttered and yet unnatural in a peculiar way.


The senses are not bombarded by noise, the silence accentuating the sharpness and intensity of the desert and this is what makes the Atacama so beautiful and other worldly.




Desert  3


This is not only a land of stone, rock, sand, salt lakes and lava.  It is an explosive and  turbulent land as the underlying volcanic activity sends steaming water to the surface, bubbling through boiling mud.

Primitive bacterial organisms have been found in these cauldrons of steam and slime.


Los geiseres en El Tatio

Los geiseres en El Tatio

It is not surprising that NASA scientists  use this desert as a testing ground for their explorations on Mars.  Nowhere on earth looks more like Mars than the Atacama, nowhere on earth is there less life than in parts of the Atacama.



Unos lugares se parecen al planeta Marte

Unos lugares se parecen al planeta Marte


It might seem crazy that we would visit such a desolate and unforgiving environment in search of wildlife.  But, as always, nature finds ways to overcome the seemingly impossible and has conquered even this hostile place.


Such were the  secrets we uncovered and the animals we found that the next two blogs will be devoted to the extraordinary wildlife of the Atacama;  the driest place on earth !


Penguin Islands

These islands are so good: we have to tell you about them.


For any visiting families, naturalists, wildlife enthusiasts, photographers or birdwatchers they are a ‘must visit location’ in Chile; located north of La Serena in region III and officially called  Reserva Nacional Pinguino de Humboldt.


The reserve consists of three islands. Two of the islands, Isla Choros and Isla Damas are accessed from the small coastal village of Punta Choros. The road to Punta Chorus from the south, Ruta 5, is a poor 60 km, dirt road, but any vehicle can easily drive the road.

In Punta Choros there are plenty of cabins to hire as well as campsites, restaurants galore and fabulous beaches nearby. Boat trips to the islands maintain the local economy, without which the village would be poor and dependent on sea weed gathering and small scale fishing. 


The trips take two and a half hours and most trips spend 1 hour on the Isla Damas.


Isla Choros

Isla Choros


The boats are very well organised and safe.  The trips cost 10,000 pesos (£10) per person + 2,500pesos (£2.50) to the parks authority.


Un barco sale del muelle en Punta Choros

Un barco sale del muelle en Punta Choros


The Punta Choros boats look for a school of Bottlenosed Dolphins which are resident in the seas around Isla Choros and Isla Damas.


Una familia mira delfines narizes de botella

Una familia mira delfines narizes de botella




Delfin nariz de botella

Delfin nariz de botella


These trips also manage to get you close to large numbers of birds, such as  Guanay Cormorants, of which there are tens of thousands.


Una colonia de Guanays

Una colonia de Guanays





Red-legged Cormorants, one of South America’s most beautiful sea birds.


Cena para Lile polluelos

Cena para Lile polluelos

Peruvian Boobies –



Dos Piqueros
Dos Piqueros


and of course, what everyone wants to see,  Humboldt Penguins.  The Isla Choros holds 70% of the world’s population of these captivating birds.


Pinguino de Humboldt

Pinguino de Humboldt

Most boats then go to Isla Damas and allow visitors to stay for an hour.


Isla Damas

Isla Damas


Sometimes there is no rain for years in this area, it is a desert, but a very special desert, a coastal desert where moisture only comes from the unique morning fog blown ashore from the Humboldt current – the Camanchaca.

Were it not for this ethereal and bountiful phenomenon there would be no plantlife whatsoever, as it is these islands and the neighbouring mainland are a wonderland of cacti.


El cactus esta cubierto de liquen

El cactus esta cubierto de liquen

To facilitate the retention of moisture the cacti are covered with lichen, a symbiotic relationship. The grey lichen  drapes around the cacti.  From a distance this gives the island a ghostly appearance as if some deadly disease had invaded the plants, the truth being that this is nature’s way to enable the cacti to survive.


To reach the island of Chanaral a short drive round the coast to the village of Chanaral de Acietuno is required.  The village is small and less popular but the boat trips are very special and just as good as from Punta Choros.


Un barco sale el Puerto de Chanaral de Acietuno

Un barco sale el Puerto de Chanaral de Acietuno


There is no landing on an island but the wildlife is spectacular especially for marine mammals.  Three species of Whale are regularly seen, Fin, Humpback and the mighty Blue.


Ballena jorobada

Ballena jorobada


Colonies of  Sea lion breed around the rocky coast


Lobo marino de un pelo

Lobo marino de un pelo



Even the less common Fur seal can be found, (look at that pointed snout)  –


Lobo fino de dos pelos

Lobo fino de dos pelos



and of course there are plenty of Humboldt Penguins



Pinguino de Humboldt

Pinguino de Humboldt


 as well as their chief  predator,  the Sea Otter.



Nutria de mar, Chungungo.

Nutria de mar, Chungungo.


Sea Otters will take young Penguins and so the adults are forced to nest above the tops of the cliffs on the top of the island out of reach of the otters.  It is a large island so that is no problem for the Penguins except that to reach the sea they have to walk all the way down the cliffs, a good job they have better legs than wings!





The ‘dancing’ Sea Star

Paula and I have had close encounters with the second largest animal on the planet, the Fin Whale, on several occasions.  The nutrient rich waters of the Humboldt Current  attract them as well as many other large mammals and seabirds to the Chilean coast.


Rorcual comun

Rorcual comun



Whales and Dolphins, Sea Otters and most other mammals are identifiable as individuals and we know them to be highly social in their behaviour. Rarely do we attribute these traits to the lower groups of smaller animals but soon we were to be surprised by meeting one such special animal.


We wanted to spend some time looking for the animal life upon which the marine profusion of larger animals depended.  South of the city of Copiapo, we located an isolated area on the coast to spend a few days.  Its small white beach was comprised of crushed shells thrown up by periodic winter storms whilst the daily cycle of tides swept the rocky, seaweed fringed shore, refreshing a myriad of translucent rock pools.


Nuestro camping a  Los Burros

Nuestro camping a Los Burros



Peruvian Boobies, Neotropic Cormorants and Pelicans patrolled offshore, but it was the rocks and the rock pools which attracted us.

We would wait till the turn of the tide to start our searching over the black slippery boulders and we weren’t alone.  This was feeding time in the intertidal zone, two species of birds appeared as if from nowhere, each seeking food from entirely different niches.  Blackish Oystercatchers would probe deep into crevices for shellfish such as oysters.


Pilpilen negro

Pilpilen negro



Whilst the Seaside Cinclodes would almost creep over the rocks, extracting small invertebrates with its narrow slightly de-curved  bill.


Churrete costero

Churrete costero



As the tide receded and more of the rocks appeared so crabs started to emerge from hidden recesses and climb up onto the rocks and graze on the algae.


Un cangrejo come alga

Un cangrejo come alga



At the slightest movement from us the crabs would dart for cover, but if we sat quietly they would approach so close we could eye each other up.


El ojo de un cangrejo

El ojo de un cangrejo

We scrambled with difficulty over the slithery rocks in our searches, peering into the ‘crystal ball’ like pools of water, never knowing what was to be revealed to us. Brightly coloured sea anemones were usually the first to appear, their tentacles waving in the retreating water.  The most common was a small crimson one, but in deeper water there were larger orange ones and another even larger, as blue as the midnight sky.


Sea anemones are predators and we noticed that many tiny animals steered well clear of their waving tentacles, not so this particular small crustacean, no doubt protected by its hard outer covering.


Anemona y crustaceo

Anemona y crustaceo

An even larger crustacean, a type of prawn, hid in the darker recesses of the pools. This animal was simply gorgeous, red and black and studded with bright white and sky blue dots.


Crustaceo hermoso

Crustaceo hermoso

There were a number of sea stars, (they used to be called starfish even though they are not fish at all, but echinoderms). They are amazing animals, each arm of a sea star, if broken off, has the capacity to regenerate itself into a completely new animal.  The biggest we saw had forty arms and was the size of a dinner plate.  The undersides of these animals are covered with thousands of tiny suckers as well as thousands of simple legs but despite the number of legs, sea stars move extremely slowly.


Estrella de mar grande

Estrella de mar grande

A much smaller sea star caught our attention, a purple and green five-armed species.


Estrella de mar morada

Estrella de mar morada

This small sea star moved over the rocks much faster than we would have expected, on occasions when another animal touched it, the sea star would react by flipping up one of its arms.


Estrella de mar y crustaceo

Estrella de mar y crustaceo



 In other pools we found similar sea stars but none moved as this one did.  We continued to watch its antics and after a while the animal started to move its arms about in an erratic way.

This individual seemed as if it simply liked moving about,  as it turned, flipped and bounced.  We had found our own  star, a ‘dancing ‘ sea star!



Un estrella de mar baila

Un estrella de mar baila


Certainly the marine life we found was as rich as we thought it might be, a reflection of the bounty of the Humboldt Current.

As for individualism among animals, maybe after all, the lowliest and smallest of species have characters in their populations and it’s just us humans that do not see or understand the significance of their behaviour.




The Humboldt current

Travelling north on the Chilean coast has reminded us of being on the Hebridean islands off the west of Scotland.


Below is Isla Choros, Chile.



Los Pinquinos

Both places are in remote locations, sometimes difficult to access, giving visitors a sense of isolation, a rare commodity in this overcrowded world.  Both have exotic white beaches and turquoise seas.



White beach

Both places are blessed with sea currents which promote a profusion of marine life around them. The  seas off  the Hebrides are ‘brushed’ by the warm Gulf Stream  and despite being at 58 degrees north one can amazingly find Palm trees on the seashore.


The Chilean coast  has its own ‘marine’ magic wand, the Humboldt current.  The similarities end when comparing both sea currents, the Gulf Stream is a warm current from Mexico which interferes with the cold waters of the arctic, whereas the Humboldt is a cold current flowing from the Antarctic into warm tropical waters.


The Humboldt is an amiable ‘monster’ of a current.  As it flows north it splits into two as it reaches Tierra del Fuego.  One part flows east,up the Argentinean coast.  The other part flows westwards up the Chilean coast –  a 1000 mile wide mass of nutrient rich water.


The importance of the Humboldt first became obvious to us as we were seawatching at La Boca.


michael seawatching



The sea was absolutely teaming with Shearwaters.  Whereas off Western Scotland we were used to seeing  hundreds of Shearwaters in a day,  here we were seeing tens of thousands at any one time, too many to count.


Sooty Shearwaters



Sooty Shearwaters mixed in with  Pink-footed Shearwaters and the occasional Giant Petrel.


Sooty Shearwaters 2



There were great seabird nesting colonies, Pelicans, Peruvian Boobies and Guanay Cormorants .


Cormorant colony



and not only birds, but marine mammals lke Bottlenosed Dolphins


Bottlenose Dolphin 2

and pods of Fin Whales, the second largest mammal on the planet.


Fin Whale 1

The effects of the Humboldt current are truly awesome.


We find the waterfall

We had spent a couple of hours walking up an arid valley, following a tiny stream in the hope it would lead us to a waterfall.  It was the dry season so we didn’t know if the waterfall even existed and if it did, would we see any of the rare White-collared Swifts which had been seen some years before.

Eventually we rounded a curve in the valley and there before us stood the waterfall.

There was nothing pretentious about this waterfall, it was neither imposing or magnificent, but it fitted into its surroundings as naturally as a nut fits into its shell.  At the top of a small cliff, lay a huge boulder around which the water flowed and then down over a red sandstone drop , cascading about sixty feet to a clear pool beneath, but behind the tumbling water there appeared a deep, dark cleft in the cliff.


best waterfall

We were overjoyed to re-discover this watery gem.

Hot and tired we stood beneath, unable to hear one another for the force of the spray hitting the rocks by our feet.

Thank you Swarovski for waterproof binoculars !




The most noticeable bird was not a Swift at all but a stout little passerine, a Grey-flanked Cinclodes.


Grey-flanked Cinclodes

Grey-flanked Cinclodes

The Cinclodes called and then a second bird appeared from around the side of the Canyon, then the first flew round the cascade and disappeared, whilst the other alighted on a nearby boulder, almost directly under the cascading water.  It called again and out from under the boulder appeared a fledgling, which was duly fed by its parent.


grey-flanked Cinclodes at nest

Not to be outdone by a mere bird, I likewise darted under the cascade – only I had both an umbrella and a light !




Once behind the silvery tumult I found myself in a dark dank chasm.  Behind me the cave stretched twenty or so metres and disappeared into a narrow tunnel, where I had no intention of going.  On top of me, water either trickled or poured, depending where I stood.



Light  streaked in from the outside, creating mesmeric rainbows.


Cave colours

The cave walls were wondrously covered in a kaleidoscope of emeralds and browns where mosses, slimes and fungus flourished.


cave walls 2

Slime 1


more cave walls 1

As I turned round and looked up in the hope of seeing a Swift more colourful patterns emerged, this was a beautiful place to be.


cave walls 1



The ground inside the cave was littered with the carcasses of freshwater crabs.  Maybe a small mammal was catching the crabs and bringing them in the cave to eat them and maybe that animal was lurking in the tunnel at the back of the cave.  Whatever was taking the crabs had clearly found a safe and secure place.

Looking down again I saw a live one in the water at my feet.


Cave crab

So we had found the waterfall.


Looking at the waterfall from a distance the cave behind it seemed nothing,  just a black ‘smudge’ across a red rock face.  But penetrating that ‘smudge’ was entering a mysterious place with its unique beauty, a  watery world of colour and patterns.


Standing inside and looking upwards the cave split into multitudinous crevices where black voids were separated by mossy envelopes dripping with water,   Swifts could easily hide in such places.


A Cinclodes flew through the spray and started to probe about in the moss looking for food, it found a long worm and then flew away with it.



searching for food


Once I thought I could see a swift in a hidden crevice, but I wasn’t sure.


The sun outside was high in the sky,  if there were any swifts they would no doubt be away in the clouds catching insects.


Had we hiked along the thorny and arid hillside for nothing, definitely not  !  we had seen a fantastic cave, a beautiful Cinclodes and a strange freshwater crab. But no swifts.


We settled down to wait till sunset, if there were any Swifts that’s when they might return.


See our next blog for news of the swifts.


To a waterfall

In early December we found ourselves in the  Andean foothills west of the city of Mendoza, Argentina, visiting a contact given us by Aves Argentinas,  Andy Elias.  Andy had for many years worked for the National Parks authority and was a renowned local naturalist.  One evening he told us about a waterfall he had visited three years before where he had seen White-collared Swifts.  He wondered if the waterfall would be dry. Would the Swifts still be present?  Would we like to accompany him ? YES!

It was  to be about a 1 to 2 hour walk up an isolated valley at approx 2,300 metres, so we started early, shortly after dawn.  On the rock strewn hillside above us we could see bright white shapes, these were the lovely flowers of the Cacti ‘candicans’,  its fragrant blooms normally open at night and remain open until early morning. The bright white petals and yellow centres attract night pollinators such as moths and bats.


candicans cacti


We continued to walk to the top of a ridge overlooking the valley we were to follow to the waterfall. The image  below shows the valley, we followed the one on the left hand side.  The valley to the right was the one where the celebrated  General  Don Jose de San Martin led 10,000 soldiers, the force that eventually defeated the Spanish and liberated Argentina.



Being at such a height, the habitat was alto-andino, so fairly sparse of vegetation, mostly pampas grasses, Chilka and Altepe shrubs as well as many cacti.


Paula 2

It was a long hot walk as we  followed the stream up the valley, but there were many exciting birds along the way,  Brown-capped Tit-Spinetails , White-winged Black Tyrants and White-winged Doves.


Brown-capped Tit Spinetail

Brown-capped Tit Spinetail


White-winged Dove

White-winged Dove


Arid lands such as this can seem barren and devoid of wildlife. The truth is that life abounds and is even more fascinating because of the amazing adaptations that enable survival.  All the plants in this landscape had mechanisms to deal with the lack of rain and high temperatures, eg small leaves with waxy coatings to reduce water loss.  Some have no leaves at all and photosynthesise by having bright green chlorophyll-laden stems or spines, the Berberis grevilleana for example has vicious spines and is locally named the crucero plant, due to its three sharp thorns.


Berberis grevilleana

Berberis grevilleana

We found a rather special beetle bumbling over some pebbles.  This little animal is beautifully adapted to face the harsh realities of this land.  It has given up the power of flight and so its hard outer covering  is fused together.  Over this domed body a series of delicate channels and ridges can be seen.  At night the insect curls up with its head pointing downwards to rest.  During the night tiny droplets of moisture condense on the dome and this moisture flows down the intricate channels into its mouth. An everyday miracle of evolution and nature.


 Tenebrionidae sp beetle

Tenebrionidae sp beetle

and a lizard, beautifully camouflaged and scurrying between crevices in the rocks.


Diplolaemus lizard or Matuasto

Diplolaemus lizard or Matuasto


Still following the valley stream,  we found a rather special animal, a small freshwater Crab.



Freshwater crabs like this are endemic to Argentina and Chile. There are about 20 species altogether, each confined to its own isolated region. Genetic studies have found them all to be related and it is thought that over the millennia when glaciers covered the Andes, they speciated into the varieties to be found today.


crab in hand_


 In the azure skies above us circled an occasional Condor but no sign of any Swifts.

 On we walked towards the mythical waterfall……..

…..was the waterfall dry? did we find the swifts? See the next blog!



Mammals of the unknown desert.

The word desert conjures up thoughts of camels traversing the lofty sand dunes of the Sahara or kangaroos in the arid expanses of the Australian outback. You get puzzled looks when you talk about the Monte desert of Argentina. Yet this is a great desert; just as hot, just as wild and just as deserted!


Monte landscape 1

Immediately to its east the desert merges into the foothills of the spectacular Andes and to its west the vast flat thorn-bush lands of the Chaco. The Monte stretches over 1500 kilometres down central western Argentina and is one of South America’s great eco-regions. This is a region we wanted to discover for ourselves as well as to photograph its wildlife. After the great Cretaceous ‘break-up’ of the continents, the South American landmass drifted across the ocean for 65 million years.  During this time two groups of mammals, that had previously been present when the landmass was connected to Africa, did supremely well in adapting to their new conditions, rodents and monkeys.  But it was the rodents that adapted beyond all belief to their new environment, some attaining giant hippo-like proportions. These are all extinct, except one, but that animal will  feature in a future blog as it is certainly not a desert animal. Suffice it to say that 40% of all mammals in South America are rodents and many of these do live in the Monte desert.


Monte - Microcavis austraulis or Common Yellow-toothed Cavy

This rodent is a Yellow-toothed Cavy. Cavies are a family of Rodents. There are many species mostly living in desert and arid habitats and one or two species are otherwise known as Guinea-pigs.  We found this species at two locations in the province of Mendoza, in the provincial reserves of Lake Diamante and Laguna Llancanelo.


Monte -Gallea museloides

This is a different species called Microcavia australis.  We photographed it much more to the north, in the Province of Salta in the Los Cardones National Park.  This rodent is diurnal,  but the best time to see it is in the hours around dawn as it climbs into the low llarrea bushes to eat their fresh leaves, from which it derives moisture.


Monte - Grey Fox

Wherever there are small mammals, there will be a predator to eat them and there is no more clever hunter of rodents than the Fox,  this is the endemic Grey Fox.


Monte -Red Fox


There are a number of fox species all confined to Andean  habitats,  This Red Fox or Andean Fox, locally called a Zorro Colorado, is more widely distributed than the Grey Fox,  its range extending the length of the Andes.  This one heard  a small animal underneath the bush, then spent 15 minutes, walking around the bush, peering in one side then another.  Then after a mad digging session successfully emerged with what looked like a rodent.  One swallow and it was gone !



As we were driving across the arid desert lands in Mendoza Province and saw two most peculiar animals run across a sand track.  Quietly we stopped and spent an hour stalking them between the thick mesquite bushes.  They knew of our presence even though we were upwind of them and as we moved slowly they moved faster, always trying to keep hidden. These were the elusive Mara, not a hare or an antelope but another rodent, the fourth biggest rodent in the world !  Very much a rodent of arid lands and the Monte desert in particular.


Camels and their ancestors have a peculiar evolutionary history.  Believe it or not they originated in North America in what is now the Sonoran desert of Arizona and California. They travelled north and colonised Asia and then North Africa.  Much later, only about 1-2 million years ago, they reached South America as part of the Great American Interchange that followed the formation of the Isthmus of Panama.  There are two well known species, the Guanaco and the Vicuna, but it is only the Guanaco that lives at the lower altitude found in the Monte Desert.


Finally, to perhaps the most beautiful rodent in the world, the  Southern Viscacha, closely related to the chinchilla.  We were alerted to a colony of these as we were climbing a rocky outcrop in Salta Province, northern Argentina.  We had heard high pitched whistles as though there was a raptor high above us but some minutes later as we climbed higher, one of these animals made a leap of perhaps 6 metres from one rock to another in front of us.  It looked at us smugly, daring us to come closer.


Monte -Viscacha

Viscachas are vegetarian, eating mosses and lichens in particular.  They live in loose colonies, are highly social and shelter in high rocky crevices.  There are always several keeping guard,  often looking upwards, as  eagles and hawks are their main predators.  It was, of course, their alarm whistles that we had heard as we approached them.


Monte -landscape

Because the Monte desert is so vast and stretches from sub-tropical to quite chilly latitudes it is not surprising that the range of landscapes and their associated plants are hugely variable, but some plant families species, such as cacti, can be found throughout the entire Monte, making it a distinct and rich eco-region.

Battling with biodiversity

The lush forested hills in the foothills of the Andes in NW Argentina, reaching up to 1700 metres, are an immensely valuable source of water for the agricultural lowlands beneath.  For six months of the year from November, the moisture laden winds blow from the Atlantic. These clouds race across the hot dry chaco plains and then in a series of violent thunderstorms drench the greenery of these slopes.  This ‘vertical’ rain combined with the summer heat creates low ephemeral clouds that drift amid the trees, giving rise to cloud forest.  The ‘gift’ these clouds give to the vegetation is a slow magical release of  moisture ‘horizontal rain’. The trees beneath are clothed in moss, lichens, bromeliads and orchids – this is the Yungas !


Selva Yungas forest , Calilegua


 We accessed the area along route 83 and spent a week in this wonderland, in the Calilegua National Park.

 Route 83 into Calilegua N P


One of the rangers of the park is Nicolas, he lives in the park with his partner Soledad and young child, Andina.



The rangers house where Nicolas, Soledad and Andina live.


 Rangers house  in Calilegua


The richness of this national park is due to the three types of distinct forest it contains. The lower slopes a threatened habitat – Piedmont woodland, a little higher the Selva and higher still the Montana forest.  Steep ravines intersect the whole, giving rise to a multitude of complex micro-climates, ecosystems and wildlife.

Swallow-tailed Kite

Swallow-tailed Kite


Female Red-brocket deer

Female Red-brocket deer

Rusty-browed Warbling-Finch

Rusty-browed Warbling-Finch



A dozen lifetimes would not be enough time to see and understand its unique flora and fauna. We could but only raise our binoculars and cameras to that which passed us by, marvelling at the wonders that crossed our path.

Calilegua butterfly



Where ever we walked the variety of nature exploded before us with vibrancy and energy.  We battled to identify what we could, but the odds were overwhelming.   Insects that looked like Crane flies but were multi-coloured and hopped on the ground.  Birds that sang and called but tantalisingly remained hidden in the dense foliage, flocks of parrots that flew noisily overhead.  Trees of every hue, some small and leggy,  others massive that soared into the heavens, this was the Southern Yungas  eco-region.



Photography in the wild

The purpose of our project is simple, produce inspirational  images of Andean wildlife.

Paula sometimes uses a slider to give movement to an otherwise static video shot.


Paula with slider


Some of the techniques we use are unconventional. Photographing a fish needed to be done quickly so as not to distress the animal, so this meant working till late one the evening.  With one light behind the aquarium and the other to one side and a lot of patience I was successful.



photographing fish


As I worked I wondered if anyone had ever taken a photograph of this species before  ?





Along the way we meet other photographers, this is Valeria Cannata from Tucuman a member of the Concepcion Foto club.

